Roundabouts can be intimidating for many drivers, especially those who are new to driving or who have never encountered them before. However, once you understand the basic rules and procedures for navigating roundabouts, they can be a safe and efficient way to manage traffic flow. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to handle roundabouts, and offer some tips on how to stay safe while navigating these circular intersections.

Step 1: Approach the Roundabout

The first step in handling a roundabout is to approach it correctly. As you approach the roundabout, slow down and be prepared to yield to any traffic that is already in the roundabout. Look for signs and road markings that indicate which lane you should be in, and choose the appropriate lane based on your destination.

Step 2: Yield to Traffic in the Roundabout

Once you have approached the roundabout and chosen your lane, yield to any traffic that is already in the roundabout. This means that you must wait for a gap in traffic before entering the roundabout. Remember that traffic in the roundabout has the right of way.

Step 3: Enter the Roundabout

When it is safe to do so, enter the roundabout and keep to your lane. If you need to change lanes, use your turn signal to indicate your intention to other drivers, and only change lanes when it is safe to do so. Remember to keep a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you.

Step 4: Follow the Roundabout

As you follow the roundabout, be aware of any exits that you may need to take. Look for signs and road markings that indicate which exit you should take, and make sure that you are in the correct lane to take that exit. Remember to always yield to any traffic that is already in the roundabout.

Step 5: Exit the Roundabout

When you reach your exit, signal your intention to exit the roundabout and move into the exit lane. Slow down as you exit the roundabout and be prepared to yield to any pedestrians or cyclists who may be crossing the road.

Tips for Navigating Roundabouts

Here are some additional tips to help you safely navigate roundabouts:

  • Always yield to traffic in the roundabout.
  • Choose the appropriate lane based on your destination.
  • Signal your intention to other drivers when changing lanes or exiting the roundabout.
  • Keep a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • Be aware of any pedestrians or cyclists who may be crossing the road.
  • Practice navigating roundabouts in a quiet area before encountering them in heavy traffic.


Roundabouts can be a safe and efficient way to manage traffic flow, but they can also be intimidating for many drivers. By following these simple steps and tips, you can safely navigate roundabouts and arrive at your destination without incident. Remember to always yield to traffic in the roundabout, choose the appropriate lane, signal your intention to other drivers, and keep a safe following distance. With practice and patience, you can become a confident and skilled roundabout navigator.

By imedia

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