Roundabouts are a common feature on UK roads, and they can be a source of confusion and anxiety for many drivers. However, roundabouts are an efficient and safe way to manage traffic flow, as long as they are used correctly. In this article, we’ll go over how to use a roundabout correctly, so you can navigate them with confidence.

Approaching the Roundabout

As you approach a roundabout, you should slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary. Look for road signs and markings that indicate the direction of the roundabout and the exits you can take. Also, check for any pedestrians or cyclists who may be using the roundabout.

Choosing the Correct Lane

Before you enter the roundabout, you need to choose the correct lane. If there are road markings or signs indicating which lane you should use, follow them. Otherwise, follow the general rule that if you’re turning left or going straight ahead, use the left lane. If you’re turning right or going straight ahead, use the right lane.

Entering the Roundabout

When it’s safe to do so, enter the roundabout and keep to your chosen lane. Give way to any vehicles already on the roundabout, and don’t cut across lanes or swerve suddenly.

Driving Around the Roundabout

As you drive around the roundabout, keep to your chosen lane and maintain a steady speed. Don’t stop or change direction suddenly, as this could cause an accident. Also, be aware of other vehicles on the roundabout and adjust your speed or position as necessary to avoid collisions.

Exiting the Roundabout

When you approach your exit, signal your intention to leave the roundabout and move into the appropriate lane if necessary. Give way to any vehicles already on the roundabout, and don’t swerve suddenly or cut across lanes. Once you’ve exited the roundabout, cancel your signal.

Dealing with Different Types of Roundabouts

There are different types of roundabouts, and they can vary in size, shape, and number of lanes. However, the basic principles of using a roundabout correctly are the same, regardless of the type. However, some roundabouts may require additional caution, such as mini roundabouts, which are smaller and have tighter curves, or multi-lane roundabouts, which can be more complex to navigate.


Roundabouts can be intimidating, but they are an efficient and safe way to manage traffic flow. By following the rules for approaching, choosing the correct lane, entering, driving around, and exiting the roundabout, you can navigate them with confidence. Remember to stay alert, be patient, and give way to other vehicles when necessary, and you’ll be able to use roundabouts safely and efficiently.

By imedia

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