Getting a dead car battery can be a frustrating and inconvenient experience, but knowing how to jumpstart a car can save you time and money. In this guide, we will go through the steps to jumpstart a car.

How to jumpstart a car

Step 1: Find a Car with a Good Battery

The first step in jumpstarting a car is to find a vehicle with a good battery. This can be a friend or family member’s car, or a nearby vehicle with a working battery. Park the two vehicles close enough so that the jumper cables can reach between the two batteries.

Step 2: Turn Off Both Vehicles

Before connecting the jumper cables, make sure that both vehicles are turned off. This will help prevent any electrical damage while connecting the cables.

Step 3: Connect the Jumper Cables

Connect the red jumper cable to the positive terminal of the dead battery, and then connect the other end of the red cable to the positive terminal of the good battery. Next, connect the black jumper cable to the negative terminal of the good battery, and then connect the other end of the black cable to a metal surface on the car with the dead battery, away from the battery itself.

Step 4: Start the Working Vehicle

Start the vehicle with the good battery and let it run for a few minutes. This will help charge the dead battery and build up enough power to start the vehicle with the dead battery.

Step 5: Start the Dead Vehicle

After the working vehicle has run for a few minutes, attempt to start the vehicle with the dead battery. If the engine does not start, try waiting a few more minutes to allow the battery to charge further.

Step 6: Remove the Jumper Cables

Once the dead vehicle has started, remove the jumper cables in the reverse order that they were connected. Start with the black cable on the car with the dead battery, then the black cable on the car with the good battery, followed by the red cable on the car with the good battery, and finally the red cable on the car with the dead battery.

Step 7: Let the Engine Run

After the jumper cables have been removed, let the engine of the vehicle with the dead battery run for a few minutes to ensure that the battery is fully charged. This will help prevent the battery from dying again in the near future.

Step 8: Take Preventative Measures

To prevent a dead battery from happening again in the future, consider taking preventative measures such as regular battery maintenance or investing in a battery charger. Additionally, if your vehicle has a history of dead batteries, it may be time to replace the battery altogether.


Jumpstarting a car can be a quick and easy process if done correctly. By following these simple steps, you can get your vehicle back on the road in no time. Remember to take preventative measures to avoid a dead battery in the future, and always exercise caution when dealing with electrical systems in your vehicle.

By imedia

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